

Ateknea Solutions is a leading European engineering centre with extensive experience in supporting companies to
transform their ideas and innovation projects into valuable, profitable and feasible market solutions. Ateknea
provides research, consulting and technology development specifically targeted at SMEs operating in the EU, in order
to boost their growth at a European level.
Thanks to their experienced technical staff (including more than 100 research engineers and scientists, 30 PhDs and
15 project managers), Ateknea is able to bridge the innovation gap for European SMEs. To do that, Ateknea is present
in six European cities: Barcelona, Brussels, Budapest, Cracow, Lisbon and Valletta.
As a result of working over many years with over 600 companies, entrepreneurs, corporations, associations,
chambers of commerce, research centres and universities, Ateknea enjoys a wide network of partners who have
helped to make Ateknea a point of reference for SMEs in Europe.
Ateknea Solutions supports its customers to enhance their competitiveness and differentiate their own value
proposition through technical innovation, with each step of the process is focused on their own target markets:
- Providing assistance in idea validation, IPR management, capital procurement, identification of key business
partners, and identification of key technical providers, establishment and coordination of international
collaborative teams;
- Offering tailor‐made engineering services to develop competitive solutions for key business areas;
Information and Communications Technology Efficient Energy & Environment, Healthcare & Wellbeing,
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Safety, and Competitive Industry & Manufacturing. We have helped our
customers to transform innovative ideas into more than 150 prototypes, designed to offer novel and
marketable products and services.
- Facilitating access to resources, go‐to‐market partnerships, networks of investors, and international markets.
This is our most important company policy, helping our customers make that last push to reach the market.

Country: Spain

Organization Type: SME, Other

City: cornella de llobregat 08940,Carrer de Victor Pradera, 45 Google map

Areas of Activities

Water management

    Waste management

      Environmental Engineering / Tehnology

        Clean production / Green Technologies

          Energy Efficiency

            Waste to energy


              Seeking for potential partners to collaborate on 'close to market' research projects under the H2020

              Our company is specialized on 'close to market' R&D projects collaborating mainly with SMEs from different countries in Europe. Our more than 130 professionals including engineers, PhDs and business developers provide an integral service to SMEs in order to launch new products to the market.

              Cooperation Offered
              1. Research co-operation
              2. Technical co-operation
              3. Commercial Agreement with technical assistance
              4. Investment/Financing