
DBA Centre - University of Lleida

DBA Centre - Universitat de Lleida belongs to the TECNIO network (ACCIO). Our main expertise is in agro-forestry and food industry waste valorization using physico-chemical and enzymatic processes.
We have experience working with enterprises.

Country: Spain

Organization Type: University

Organization Size: 11-25

City: Lleida 25198,Rovira Roure 191 Google map

Areas of Activities

Waste management


    Biomass valorization

    We are looking for partners to participate in research and innovation projects. We have expertise on biomass valorisation, specially agriculture, forestry and food industry wastes using physical, chemical and enzymatic methods. We have been working on different valorisation approaches including extraction and transformation of substrates into value added products. We are looking for partners to develop new valorisation projects and to take part in H2020 proposals.

    Keywords: agro-food waste valorizationchemoenzymatic methodsvalue-added products from wastes
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Research co-operation