
Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty Branch Poznań

Institute Of Technology and Life Sciences (ITP) is a research institute.Headquartered in Falenty, Poland, with branches in Warsaw and Poznan, ITP conducts scientific research and development in a wide array of natural sciences and technologies.ITP established the first in POland EU ETV verification body which operates accordingto the standards ISO 17020 and to the ETV General Verification Protocol (GVP).The scope of verification service is: Waste,material and resources and energy production-electricity and heat from renewable sources.

Country: Poland

Organization Type: R+D institute

City: Poznań 60-463,ul. Biskupińska 67 Google map

Areas of Activities

Environmental Engineering / Tehnology

    Clean production / Green Technologies

      Life Cycle Assessment

        Offer & Request

        verification service

        The main output of the ETV procedure is a verification report and Statement of Verification. It is the key document which can be used in market relations with the clients. it includes verified performance parameters of the technology. Statements of Verification are registered of the European Commission and publised on a dedicated web site.