
ETRA is the European Tyre Recycling Association. We promote use and application of Tyre Recycled Materials that are succesfully used in many sectors: Sports, Building, Roads, Transport, etc.
Our materials are used alone or mixed / combined with other materials, such as polymers, concrete, bitumen, etc. Our products are high quality, good performance, long lasting
We particiapte to R&D projects, and co-operate either with private or public sector. Our members are spread around the world.

Country: Belgium

Organization Type: Other

City: Brussels 1040,16 Avenue de Tervueren Google map

Areas of Activities

Environmental Engineering / Tehnology

    Clean production / Green Technologies

      Offer & Request

      Green Product Development

      We offer and request co-operation on::
      - R&D projects for new materials and products done with recycled tyre materials (rubber, steel, textile)
      - networking either with private and public organisations
      - communication and awareness for new market opportunities