
ZERYA Producciones sin Residuos S.L.

Zerya® is a private quality trademark that belongs to 'Zerya Producciones sin Residuos S.L.', and it represents the effort of many years of research dedicated to define fruit & vegetable production systems that can guarantee a residue free (*) final product.

Our goal is to provide an opportunity for differentiation to companies with highly qualified technicians, through a coordinated effort and the conviction that it possible to produce safe food in a cost-effective way through a rational use of agricultural inputs and that can lead to a sustainable production system, environmentally friendly and capable of fulfilling customers' requirements.

Zerya® is organized through crop-specific workgroups in which the leading experts, growers and production companies are represented. They carry out continuous technical improvements and develop, together with the ZERYA management team, cropping strategies and guidelines, which are later transmitted to the registered customers who wish to comply with ZERYA®'s objectives.

The management and control of the operations, resources and production, as well as the product characteristics and auditing requirements demanded to the registered producers, will be assessed by the workgroups established by the Trademark Standards, which are controlled by the Supervision Committee ensuring the proper function, transparency and independence of the Trademark. For such purposes, the Committee is in charge of the supervision of the different technical workgroups and organizes periodical meetings with representatives of the key players of the food distribution channel, from farmers and producers to end users.

Standard compliance is assured through a Certification Body that establishes an audit program to the producers and through accredited laboratories that take samples and run MRL analysis to verify the Standard fulfillment.

The use of the Trademark is granted to the certified companies and allows the differentiation of these products in the market.

Since September 2013, Zerya is member of GlobalGAP and currently is taking part in their Sustainability Stake Holders Committee.

(*) Within the ZERYA® standard, residue free means that any active ingredient is determined under 0,01 ppm when analyzed.

Country: Spain

Organization Type: SME, Consultant

Organization Size: 1-10

Founding Year: 2009

City: Zaragoza 50003,Ossau 1 - 1 - A Google map

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Areas of Activities

Eco-labelling / Eco-certification

    Clean production / Green Technologies


      Sustainable Agriculture & No-Residue produce. Consultancy, Training & Standard development

      We are searching for retailers, industry and other stake holders who want to engage with the development of our private voluntary standard that seeks to certify the best susatinable practices and pesticide residue free produce.

      Keywords: AgricultureFoodProduceSustainabilityPesticide residuesFood SafetyBiodiversity
      Cooperation Offered
      1. Technical co-operation
      2. License agreement
      3. Commercial Agreement with technical assistance
      Cooperation Requested
      1. Research co-operation
      2. Commercial Agreement with technical assistance