
INNEON Network for Eco-Innovation Investment

INNEON Network for eco-innovation investment is a project funded by the DG Environment of the European Commission.

The INNEON network for eco-innovation investment aims to extend public and private funding sources available for eco-innovation and social innovation in Europe, and provide a unique forum dedicated to the interaction between a select cohort of innovators and relevant investors.

Innovators and investors can join a dedicated network providing access to an online matchmaking platform, live networking events and more, to improve the quality of deals and allow for efficient matching of entrepreneurs and investors. INNEON is a catalyst accelerating the commercialization of eco-innovation and social innovation bringing economic, environmental and social benefits for the investors and entrepreneurs and beyond that for Europe at large.

Country: Spain

Organization Type: Other

City: Mutilva 31192 ,Paseo Santxiki, 3 bis Google map

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Areas of Activities

Eco-labelling / Eco-certification

    Water management

      Waste management

        Air pollution

          Soil pollution

            Environmental Engineering / Tehnology

              Clean production / Green Technologies

                Life Cycle Assessment

                  Energy Efficiency

                    Waste to energy


                      We are looking for entrepreneurs and investors interested in eco-innovation to offer support

                      What does INNEON offer investors?
                      Access to qualified, high-quality investment propositions from eco and social innovators who have been coached by our team of expert practitioners.
                      Access to sector specific market intelligence and know-how to inform your decision making processes.
                      Opportunities to syndicate with likeminded investors from across Europe.
                      Access to professional eco-investors offering potential exit opportunities from existing portfolio companies.
                      This network will be formed by the following stakeholders:

                      New and mature venture capital funds (closed-end as well as evergreen) which invest in early stage and later stage eco-innovation and social innovation projects and companies.
                      Corporate venture capital (VC) funds & institutional investors with an eco-investment focus.
                      Eco-investment focused business angel (BA) networks.

                      What does INNEON offer innovators – entrepreneurs or SMEs?
                      A range of carefully selected, publicly available self-help tools for turning an innovative idea into a successful business venture.

                      For qualifying innovators:

                      Bespoke coaching support for selected applicants to assist in creating a compelling value proposition for eco- and socially innovative products and services leading to introductions to potential investors.
                      Potential access to three types of investors servicing different segments of the capital market: business angels, venture capital and corporate investors.
                      Connectivity and networking with a cohort of selected fellow innovators and with investors with a specific interest in eco-innovation, allowing for an exchange of ideas, information and advice through an online matchmaking platform and/or during tailor-made events.