
B.R.E. Elettronica srl

B.R.E. Elettronica Ltd is a highly specialized SMEs. Since 1979 B.R.E. designs, manufactures
and installs electronic systems of measurement, telecommunication, control and automation in
the industrial and civil sectors. B.R.E. produces the following main products: Measurement
systems (probes and sensors, transducers, interfaces, conversion systems of signals, data logger);
Systems of data transmission wired and wireless; Embedded systems and integrated systems for
acquisition, processing, representation and control (SCADA - supervisory control and data
acquisition). B.R.E. operates mainly in the following sectors:Telemetry and control of industrial
processes; Telemetry and control of network systems; Telemetry and control systems for energy
recovery; Remote controls, data acquisition, radio broadcasts for safety (safety, security). The
company also developed specific technical skills such as:design and management of production
and assembly of the casing (mechanical, insulation and coatings, wiring, cooling, etc.); design
and management of production and assembly of transduction (machining and integration
between different domains);implementation of measures and characterization and calibration of
apparatus;wiring and installation in situ;drafting of technical documentation.

Country: Italy

Organization Type: SME

City: San Giuliano Terme 56017,Via di Cardeta, 2/B - Arena Metato Google map

Areas of Activities

Water management

    Waste management


      Instrumentation for districtualization and monitoring of water grids

      Cooperation Offered
      1. Commercial Agreement with technical assistance
      2. Sales/Distribution