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Matchmaking Event at the 18th European Forum on Eco-Innovation

17th May: New dealine to book meetings and accept/cancel meeting requests received.

18th May: Participants will receive their meetings schedule.

ACCIÓ is organising, in cooperation with European Commission’s Directorate General for Environment and the Sector Group Environment of the Enterprise Europe Network, a matchmaking at the 18th European Forum on Eco-innovation.

The Forum, to be held on 20 and 21 May 2015, will explore how to strengthen competitiveness and innovation, in particular of SMEs, through environmental labelling, management and information schemes.

The matchmaking event will take place on 21 May from 16:30 to 18:30. This event consists of pre-arranged meetings of 20 minutes, where the participants will have the chance to meet potential partners for technological and commercial cooperation, as well as partners for collaborative R+D+i projects in the framework of Horizon 2020 programme.

Reminder: Attendance at the 18th European Forum on Eco-innovation, the Retail Forum, the Official delivery of ETV Statements of Verification, the EMAS Awards Ceremony and the Best of Eco-innovation: project success stories is free but registration is required. Please click HERE to request an online invitation. 


  • Event: 21 May


    09 March – 07 May


    Meeting Selection:
    27 April – 17 May


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  • Edificio ONCE
    C/ Sepúlveda, 1
    08015 Barcelona